The Training Room is a one of a kind fitness educational facility. Our goal is to provide our "Family" of clients with fitness knowledge that they will utilize for the rest of their lifetime. In a very private atmosphere our professionals will teach the fundamentals on how to work out every muscle group in your body. Our staff has the ability to train all levels of fitness. We will assess your skill level from Novice to Advanced. Whatever your fitness goals may be, the staff at The Training Room will push you to accomplish them. With the help of our cutting-edge technology, we will hold you accountable to meet all challenges. Come join the Training Room Family. Please setup an appointment to discuss a healthier future.
Brand New 3500 Square Foot
Great Location!
Private Gym
Key Fob Entry Only
Members Only
5am to 11pm access
Top of the Line Equipment Includes
TRX Bands, Jump Ropes, Stall Bars
Rogue Rowers, Bumper Plates, Wall Racks
Kettlebells, Free Weights, Resistance Bands
Treadmills, Stair Climber, Spin Bikes
Cable Machines
Watch your favorite TV shows while burn calories
Cardio area has high definition TV's
Treadmills are IPad/Tablet ready
State of the Art Bose Sound System
Free Wi-Fi
Kitchen Area for Healthy Snacks and Shakes
Personal Training
We are currently offering individual and small group personal training. Schedule your free assessment today!
Group Exercise
Check out our class schedule and join one of our fitness classes. We have Tabata classes all week long!
Are you a Personal Trainer looking for a place to start your career? Check out the FREEDOM & Benefits of joining The Training Room team!

“I hate you. I hate this place...See you tomorrow!”